Youth Mental Health Forum
The Youth Mental Health Forum is for middle school and high school youth and their parents. Panelists will include school counselors, local therapists, teachers, coaches, and others who work with youth, providing an overview of mental health issues youth experience, as well as coping strategies.

Youth Mental Health Forum
Thursday, November 14
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Shannon Community Center (11600 Shannon Ave)
The Youth Mental Health Forum is for middle school and high school youth and their parents. Panelists will include school counselors, local therapists, teachers, coaches, and others who work with youth, providing an overview of mental health issues youth experience, as well as coping strategies. Join us as we work toward ending the stigma of talking about youth mental health.
Doors Open – 6:00 p.m.
Program begins – 6:30 p.m.
Reception to follow.
The format will include an introduction from each panelist, followed by questions from the Youth Advisory Committee that each panelist will have time to discuss, followed by questions from the audience. The forum may include students who have experienced mental health issues and wish to share their stories. Discussion topics may include anxiety, depression, isolation, and other mental health struggles.
Confirmed panelists and Partner tables include:
Psychology's Stage
Representatives from National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Tri-Valley
Fallon Middle School Wellness Counselor
Dublin Police Services (DPS) Behavioral Health Unit (BHU)
Social Edge
Dublin High National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) club
Z-Cares Foundation
Student Representatives from local High School
For information about this and other events hosted by the Youth Advisory Committee please email