Community Assistance, Recovery
and Empowerment (CARE): The CARE Act / CARE Court
Roberta Chambers, PsyD, Indigo Project, will present information about the
CARE Act, what it is, what it isn't, how it works, and what it requires of counties.

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Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE):
The CARE Act / CARE Court
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
This presentation will be given on Zoom,
to participate, please access the following link:
Meeting ID: 896 4959 6577 / Passcode: 637136
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Roberta Chambers, PsyD, Indigo Project, will present information about the CARE Act, what it is, what it isn't, how it works, and what it requires of counties, and the accountability mechanisms.
Dr. Chambers will also be sharing how Alameda County is proceeding with CARE Act planning and how communities can remain engaged and up to date.
Roberta Chambers, PsyD, has over 20 years working in the public behavioral health system as a clinician, nonprofit executive, and consultant. As a service provider, Dr. Chambers worked across outpatient, residential, and inpatient environments focused on those most impacted by behavioral health and intellectual disabilities. Dr. Chambers’ consulting experience covers the range of planning, design, implementation, and evaluation for programs and service systems that take care of our communities’ most vulnerable. She has directed a number of participatory action research projects; led large scale system assessments; and directed numerous evaluations including Innovation and AOT evaluations to document new models of service throughout California. Dr. Chambers has presented nationally on promising practices in evaluation as well as issues related to deinstitutionalization.
Dr. Chambers founded the Indigo Project, which is a collective of independent consultants, in 2019. The Indigo Project is focused on working alongside public safety net organizations and those who rely upon them to reduce the impact of mental health, substance use, incarceration, homelessness, and trauma on individuals, families, and communities. The overall goal is to realize the belief that all people can find and deserve wellness and recovery, and that we share a responsibility to ensure a full continuum of culturally responsive services and supports are available to safely achieve this across the lifespan.
Over the past decade, Indigo Project consultants have focused on issues related to people most impacted by mental health and/or substance use, homelessness, trauma, and other mental health disparities and inequities.